Monday, December 7, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Today's theme for MTM is Christmas morning. All growing up we would get together with my Dad's family for a Christmas brunch. The food was always so good and included my Great Grandma Thompson's (Grandma T!) homemade scones and honey butter. Last year Miles and I did our own brunch here at home and it was really fun- and yummy! So for MTM this morning we did a version of our Christmas brunch. And then we watched Bambi II- because Scotty insists that Bambi's dad is a reindeer!

We have eggs, ham, oranges, Christmas tree shaped toast, Hershey kiss and hot chocolate. We did the toast instead of scones and the Hershey kiss is because we always eat a ton of candy on Christmas morning!

I wasn't surprised by the item that Grant went for first!

Scotty was almost as excited as if it were really Christmas morning!

Be sure to stop by Her Cup Overfloweth to see more fun MTM tins.


Kristen said...

Too cute! Who wouldn't want candy for breakfast? LOL

The Activity Mom said...

So fun! They look like they loved it. =)

Anonymous said...

I love the Christmas tree toast!
Really nice tin!

Jamie said...

So cute! I love the tree. And I think that is way cute that he thinks Bambi is a reindeer. :-)

Trudie said...

So cute! I have the exact same tin, whenever my Little one sees the blue tin she knows she is getting spoilt!

Jeanette said...

I did not give my kids candy but I did give them a cookie because as you pointed out there is always a lot of junk consumed on Christmas morning. :-)

Mel said...

Hey! Scotty's wearing a shirt this time!