My boys have been sick for a little while now. They all had colds and coughs last week. We kept Scotty home from preschool on Wednesday and Friday and all of them stayed home from church. Scotty was doing much better on Sunday and we were going to send him to school on Monday. But at 3:30am Monday morning I woke up to him crying and calling me and when I went into see what was wrong he was burning up with a fever. We took his temp and it was 102.7- uh oh! When he woke in the morning he was obviously sick and his temp got up to 103.3. We were very lucky to get into a doctor in the morning and they did a strep test and a flu test. Strep was negative, but it came back that he has H1N1 flu. He prescribed Tamiflu which helps it to run it's course faster and told us to make sure he gets plenty of fluids and rest. It's so sad to have a sick child. He just laid around most of the day, would cry and was sad. He fell asleep for about an hour on the couch in the afternoon. He hates the tamiflu. We have to hold him down and he spits a lot of it out- it's awful! This is the first medicine that he's had that didn't taste good and now he's fighting us about taking Motrin and his gummy vitamins!
I feel bad for him. The flu is not fun. It's been hard for me because all I want to do is snuggle with him and comfort him but I have to take care of Collin and Grant and there isn't much time for me to do any snuggling. I see him laying on the couch by himself and it makes me sad, but hungry, poopy, crying babies can't wait. He is doing much better today. His fever is coming down and he has much more energy. Hopefully it will run it's course quickly. I'm just watching and waiting for Grant or Collin to start getting sick. Fun for all!!
The New Year 2025
1 month ago
I was just poking around on the "next blog" button within blogger and found your blog...
I can so sympathesise with you both my girls are sick and daddy and mommy, it's SO hard to do for one and not feel guilty about not doing for the other. At the same time I need to take care of me so there is sometone to take care of them....sigh I hate when were sick! I hope your little ones are in tip top shape, they really are a beautiful bunch!
I was just poking around on the "next blog" button within blogger and found your blog...
I can so sympathesise with you both my girls are sick and daddy and mommy, it's SO hard to do for one and not feel guilty about not doing for the other. At the same time I need to take care of me so there is sometone to take care of them....sigh I hate when were sick! I hope your little ones are in tip top shape, they really are a beautiful bunch!
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