Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Summer is gone!

My friend Becca just commented on my last post and asked what has happened since summer arrived and now! So, here it is. These are some things that we did this summer that I want to remember. We had a fun, relaxed summer that went by way too fast. Now I have to do a post with our back to school pictures. Seriously- where did the summer go??

Scotty finished soccer and was really excited to get a medal.

They set up an elaborate Wild West town.

Fun time swimming at the Palisades

We went to Ikea, dropped Scotty and Grant off at the kid's zone (Collin wasn't potty trained yet) and me, Miles and Collin had fun shopping while the other two had a blast in the kid's area. We can't wait to go back now that Collin is potty trained!!!

Scotty moved his room downstairs. He loves it.

Grant loves having his own room and keeps everything neat and organized!

Firework show in Grantsville on the 4th of July.

They had a blast at a splash pad with our friends Miles and Emma.

Collin is a crazy boy!

Playing mini golf.

Playing in the rain.

We saw a Bald Eagle in Wyoming. Awesome!

ALL the boys love throwing rocks in the water!

Grant was stung by a wasp.

Rock climbing! Scotty



Annual TBP day at Lagoon.

Geocaching with Grandma Geri and Grandpa Steve.

Hiking in Alpine, WY.

Picnic in South Willow Canyon.

Exploring South Willow Canyon.

A kitty picnic in the backyard!

I love my boys! They are so much fun!!


Mike and Becca said...

"a relaxed summer"? Wow you guys have been busy. Looks do fun!!!