For Scotty's 2nd Christmas when he was 21 months I decided to do paint handprints and frame it to give to Miles to put in his office. It turned out really cute and Miles loved it. It went much smoother than I had been expecting. When Grant's 2nd Christmas rolled around I did it with him too. He had just turned 1 at the beginning of the month so it was a bit harder than Scotty's, but not too bad.

These are Grant's handprints with Scotty in the picture. I don't have any pictures of Scotty's handprints. I'm so mad that I didn't think to take a picture of Miles, the kid and the handprints. I hate it when I miss a good photo opportunity!!
This year was Collin's second Christmas and I continued the tradition. He is also 21 months like Scotty, so I thought his would go smoothly. I should have known better! I had to do a bunch before I got one where he didn't move his fingers or ball up his fist. And he kept trying to touch everything! It was like a wrestling match. But I got one that turned out good, so it was all worth it.
I finally thought to get a shot with the kid and Daddy, but I couldn't get Collin to look or smile. Oh well!
Here are all three handprints on his desk. I think they're so cute! Scotty's faded quite a bit when Miles' office was upstairs in a west facing room, but hopefully they won't fade anymore. The owners of these little hands sure love their Daddy!