I've mentioned before what a good baby Grant is, but yesterday he really proved it. We went to a William's family reunion and before we left Grant got two bottles and fell asleep for five minutes. He woke up just as we put him in the car to leave, played for a little while, made a few fussing sounds then went to sleep for the rest of the drive. At the reunion I fed him some baby food at 12:30pm and then he spent awhile playing happily in his car seat while we ate. He had a great time sitting with Uncle Drew and soon-to-be-Aunt Morgan playing, drinking water and spilling it all over Aunt Morgan's lap. We left the reunion around 2pm-ish and drove to Ikea where we spent 3pm-7pm getting furniture for the playroom. And then we drove the 45 minutes home. So (please look past the neglectful mother part of this day to the what a happy, content baby part!) Grant ate at 12:30pm but then did not eat again until 8pm that night! Except for the water that he got from Aunt Morgan which I think did help him out some. But did Grant cry and fuss and have to be carried around Ikea? No!!! He stayed in his car seat in the stroller the entire time being happy and smiley and oh so cute. I would hand him a new toy every now and then and he would get so excited and play happily with that for the next 20 minutes. And did he scream inconsolably on the drive home? No!!! He went to sleep peacefully. Did he cry as soon as we got home demanding some food? No!!! He played nicely in his Exersaucer while I unloaded some stuff and got Scotty in bed. Then he happily ate a huge bowl of oatmeal and then drank a full 7oz bottle right after that. I couldn't believe it. I was going to feed him when he got hungry while we were at Ikea, but he never did so I didn't even remember that he hadn't eaten. So if the saying is true that an easy baby will be a difficult teenager and a hard baby will be an easy teenager --- we'll have it made with Scotty and be in big trouble with Grant!!
The New Year 2025
1 month ago
I cannot believe that! So what was with the blood-curdling screaming in MY car???? Grant truly is a good baby, and so darned cute :o) Can't wait to see what you loaded up with at my 'favorite store'!
Um..that was your kids scaring him to death! Who wouldn't be scared being locked in a backseat with those crazy kids?? :-)
No way, my kids are "angels". Didn't you see how good and quiet they were being! It was a FIRST :)
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