I'm exhausted, so I'll do a quick update and then do a better post later. Collin was able to come home yesterday- yeah!! He did fail his car seat test though. They had him sit in it and after only 20 minutes his oxygen level dropped to 85 and stayed there. They tried it again a few hours later and the same thing happened. So we had to bring him home in a car bed and we can't sit him up in anything like a swing or bouncer until he passes his car seat test. We'll do it again at his pediatrician appt next week. Hopefully he'll pass because he barely fits in the car bed! Usually babies as big as he is pass with no problem. Scotty was so cute when we brought Collin in the house. He looked at him and said "Ooh- he's so cute!" He has been really cute with him and has wanted to hold him and will kiss his head. We love it! Grant has patted his head and also scratched his forehead! He smiles when he comes close to Collin though and that is cute. We're now getting used to having a newborn in the house and all the changes that brings. Especially the long night time feedings!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Quick update
Posted by Lori at 2:30 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
Exciting, wonderful news!
I got a call from the hospital this morning asking if we have a car seat and could we bring it in today. I said yes and the doc said that he's in an open crib and doing well and if he did well for his car seat check that we could take him home TOMORROW!!!!! I was so excited! I was not expecting this at all. I went in today and he was unhooked from all his monitors and it was great to be able to hold him for as long as I wanted. It is ironic though- Scotty's birthday party is tomorrow afternoon and just today it looks like I am getting mastitis and feel like crap! But we'll deal with whatever comes up and make sick family stay outside and everyone else wash up really good. He is a trooper and has done much better than anyone expected. We would like to thank everyone for their prayers, thoughts and help. We really appreciate it.
Posted by Lori at 5:48 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Posted by Lori at 2:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I had a good visit with Collin today. Grandma Geri drove me and and she was able to hold him and take some new pictures. I'll have to post some when I get them from her. He ate really well and then I was able to snuggle him for a long time. The nurse knew I was coming so she fed him in his incubator the feeding before I came so that I could keep him out longer. She also moved his monitor into the little mother's room and I was able to feed and cuddle him in there instead of out in the nursery. It was wonderful. He's still about the same. Doing well on his oxygen levels and getting a little better everyday with his feeding. They've turned down his incubator a little bit and hopefully will be able to keep turning that down. They do that very slowly so they don't stress the babies out.
Posted by Lori at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
No more oxygen

Posted by Lori at 7:23 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Fuzzy hair

Posted by Lori at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
More good news!

Posted by Lori at 4:42 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Good day
I had a good day with Collin today. My neighbor drove me in to see him and I'm so grateful for my good ward members that are willingly signing up to drive me into the hospital everyday. I got there and the pediatrician came over and said that he is doing well. He had been having a lot of episodes of his heart rate dropping and the nurses would have to come over and move him and rub him to stimulate him enough to get his heart rate back up. He was having quite a few of these episodes a day and they were concerned but the pediatrician said that they are slowing down and they are pleased about that. He is still having problems keeping his oxygen level up so we'll just have to wait for him to get that under control. They have increased his feeding amount through his tube and have decreased his IV fluid that that is good also. The best news of the day was that he nursed with me for the first time ever and even went for 20 minutes! The nurses were going crazy about how wonderful and shocking that was. They said if he kept that up then he'd be going home soon. Yeah! It's good to hear positive news. He's still as cute as ever!
Here he is with his eyes open. They have a hint of blue in them! He pulled the IV out of his hand and they had to move it to his head. It looks scary but they said that they are better in the head.
Another bit of good news we received today was from our insurance company that my helicopter flight was authorized. Whew!!
Notice my hand on that guy? I really, truly felt like I was going to fall off of that thing and I had to grab onto him to keep myself from falling! They kept reassuring me that I wasn't going to fall but what did they know, right??
Posted by Lori at 2:17 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Collin's here!!!

He has lots of dark hair.
Posted by Lori at 8:20 PM 3 comments